Our industry, A. BINTOU& CO OE, undertakes all stages of clothes manufacture, from the beginning to their final delivery to our clients.
Thus, after completing the flawless sewing of clothes, we proceed to their professional ironing. With a view to ensuring your excellent service, we conduct a quality control of each item. Afterwards, we add a barcode tag and package the clothes. The clothes are delivered to the clients in the way they wish, eg. on a clotheshanger.
Owning 5 professional ironing systems with boiler, we iron all the garments we produce professionally. Steam ironing disinfects clothes and straightens the fibers of the fabric. We are very well aware of how to treat each kind of fabric, considering its specificities and how to iron each kind of clothing.
For example, the ironing of a blouse demands a different handling from that of a coat! Our aim is to create garments in pristine condition! This is the way in which we have developed trusting relationships with the clients who permanently choose us , for the production of their clothes.